Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
abort_run | solver | Subroutine | Aborting the solver |
add_kkl_source | source | Subroutine | Add residual due to source terms of the k-kL turbulence model |
add_sa_source | source | Subroutine | Add residual due to source terms of SA turbulence model |
add_saBC_source | source | Subroutine | Add residual due to source terms of SABC transition model |
add_source_term_residue | source | Subroutine | Call to add different source terms to the residual of different equations. |
add_sst_bc_source | source | Subroutine | Add residual due to source terms of the SST-BC transition model |
add_sst_source | source | Subroutine | Add residual due to source terms of the SST turbulence model |
add_sst_source_lctm2015 | source | Subroutine | Add residual due to source terms of the LCTM2015 transition model |
add_turbulent_time | time | Subroutine | Addition to local time step due to turbulence |
add_viscous_time | time | Subroutine | Addition to local time step due to viscous effects |
alloc | utils | Interface | |
alloc_rank1_integer | utils | Subroutine | Allcoate 1-Dimensional array of type: integer |
alloc_rank1_real | utils | Subroutine | Allcoate 1-Dimensional array of type: real |
alloc_rank2_integer | utils | Subroutine | Allcoate 2-Dimensional array of type: integer |
alloc_rank2_real | utils | Subroutine | Allcoate 2-Dimensional array of type: real |
alloc_rank3_integer | utils | Subroutine | Allcoate 3-Dimensional array of type: integer |
alloc_rank3_real | utils | Subroutine | Allcoate 3-Dimensional array of type: real |
alloc_rank4_real | utils | Subroutine | Allcoate 4-Dimensional array of type: real |
alloc_rank5_real | utils | Subroutine | Allcoate 5-Dimensional array of type: real |
alloc_rank6_real | utils | Subroutine | Allcoate 6-Dimensional array of type: real |
allocate_memory | resnorm | Subroutine | Allocate memory to MPI Communication |
allocate_memory | geometry | Subroutine | Allocate memory for the required variables. |
allocate_memory | wall | Subroutine | Allocate memory to str and wallc variable array |
apply_gradient_bc | gradients | Subroutine | Call same subroutine for all the face Apply/set value of all gradient in the ghost cells gradqp_G = (qp_I - qp_G)Area_Wunit_normal_G/(volume_G) volume_G = volume_I |
apply_gradient_bc_face | gradients | Subroutine | Call same subroutine for all the face Apply/set value of all gradient in the ghost cells gradqp_G = (qp_I - qp_G)Area_Wunit_normal_G/(volume_G) volume_G = volume_I |
apply_interface | interface1 | Subroutine | MPISEND_RECV call to exchange interface infromation between connected blocks. |
apply_periodic_bc | interface1 | Subroutine | If a block is connected to another block in perodic fashion, this subroutine will take care of that boundary condition. |
assemble_resnom_at_each_process | resnorm | Subroutine | Sum residual obtained from all the processes after MPI_Communication |
calculate_viscosity | viscosity | Subroutine | Calculate molecular and turbulent viscosity |
change_map_to_particular_range | mapping | Subroutine | Modified the indicies for MPI communication |
checkpoint | dump_solution | Subroutine | Create a checkpoint dump file if the time has come |
close_file | write_output | Subroutine | Close the file after writing solution. |
close_file | read_output | Subroutine | Close the file after reading |
collect_resnorm_from_all_blocks | resnorm | Subroutine | MPI Communication to gather residual from all processes |
compute_face_area_vectors | geometry | Subroutine | Compute face area vectors |
compute_face_areas | geometry | Subroutine | Compute face areas based on area vectors |
compute_face_areas_and_normals | geometry | Subroutine | Compute the face areas and normals |
compute_face_estimates | ppm | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate state at the face, generalized for |
compute_face_interpolant | face_interpolant | Subroutine | |
compute_face_state | muscl | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate state at the face, generalized for all direction : I,J, and K. |
compute_face_states | weno | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate state at the face, generalized for all direction : I,J, and K. |
compute_face_states | weno_NM | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate state at the face, generalized for all direction : I,J, and K. |
compute_flux | van_leer | Subroutine | A generalized subroutine to calculate flux through the input-argument direction, :x,y, or z which corresponds to the I,J, or K direction respectively |
compute_flux | slau | Subroutine | A generalized subroutine to calculate flux through the input direction, :x,y, or z which corresponds to the I,J, or K direction respectively |
compute_flux | ausmUP | Subroutine | A generalized subroutine to calculate flux through the input direction, :x,y, or z which corresponds to the I,J, or K direction respectively |
compute_flux | ausmP | Subroutine | A generalized subroutine to calculate flux through the input direction, :x,y, or z which corresponds to the I,J, or K direction respectively |
compute_flux | ausm | Subroutine | A generalized subroutine to calculate flux through the input-argument direction, :x,y, or z which corresponds to the I,J, or K direction respectively |
compute_flux | ldfss0 | Subroutine | A generalized subroutine to calculate flux through the input-argument direction, :x,y, or z which corresponds to the I,J, or K direction respectively |
compute_fluxes | van_leer | Subroutine | Call to compute fluxes throught faces in each direction |
compute_fluxes | slau | Subroutine | Call to compute fluxes throught faces in each direction |
compute_fluxes | scheme | Subroutine | |
compute_fluxes | ausmUP | Subroutine | Call to compute fluxes throught faces in each direction |
compute_fluxes | ausmP | Subroutine | Call to compute fluxes throught faces in each direction |
compute_fluxes | ausm | Subroutine | Call to compute fluxes throught faces in each direction |
compute_fluxes | ldfss0 | Subroutine | Call to compute fluxes throught faces in each direction |
compute_ghost_cell_centroid | geometry | Subroutine | Compute cell center of all cell including ghost cells |
compute_global_time_step | time | Subroutine | Compute a common time step to be used at all cell centers |
compute_gradient | CC | Subroutine | Generalized subroutine to calculate gradients |
compute_gradient_G | gradients | Subroutine | Compute gradient of any input scalar |
compute_local_time_step | time | Subroutine | Compute the time step to be used at each cell center |
compute_muscl_states | muscl | Subroutine | Implement MUSCL scheme to get left and right states at each face. The computation is done through all cells and first level ghost cells |
compute_ppm_states | ppm | Subroutine | Call PPM face-state reconstruction for each face with optional call for remove extrema based on input limter switch and call pressure based switching based on input pressure based switch |
compute_residue | scheme | Subroutine | |
compute_time_step | time | Subroutine | Compute the time step to be used |
compute_viscous_fluxes | viscous | Subroutine | Call to all viscous flux subroutine based on the drection and turbulence/transition model being used |
compute_viscous_fluxes_kkl | viscous | Subroutine | Compute viscous fluxes for additianal equations due to k-kL turbulence model |
compute_viscous_fluxes_laminar | viscous | Subroutine | Compute viscous fluxes for first five Navier-Stokes equation |
compute_viscous_fluxes_lctm2015 | viscous | Subroutine | Compute viscous fluxes for additianal equations due to LCTM2015 transition model |
compute_viscous_fluxes_sa | viscous | Subroutine | Compute viscous fluxes for additianal equations due to SA turbulence model |
compute_viscous_fluxes_sst | viscous | Subroutine | Compute viscous fluxes for additianal equations due to SST turbulence model |
compute_volumes | geometry | Subroutine | Compute the grid cell volumes Each grid is a hexahedron, whose volume is calculated by splitting it into 5 tetrahedrons, whose volume is known |
compute_weno_NM_states | weno_NM | Subroutine | Call Weno scheme for all the three direction I,J, and K |
compute_weno_states | weno | Subroutine | Call Weno scheme for all the three direction I,J, and K |
converged | convergence | Function | Check if the solution seems to have converged The solution is said to have converged if the change in the residue norm is "negligible". |
copy1 | copy_bc | Subroutine | Copy 1 layer of interior cell to first ghost cell layer |
copy3 | copy_bc | Subroutine | Copy 3 layer of interior cell to three ghost cell layer |
create_directory | dump_solution | Subroutine | Create a directory to keep the solution files from all the processor |
destroy_solver | solver | Subroutine | Call to different modules to deallocate memory |
destroy_time | time | Subroutine | Deallocate memory and find simulation time. |
dump_data | dump_solution | Subroutine | Call to write save files in the directory |
evaluate_all_gradients | gradients | Subroutine | Call to all the required gradients and apply boundary condition for ghost cell gradients |
extract_grid_size | grid | Subroutine | Extract the grid size from the grid file header |
extrapolate_cell_averages_to_faces | face_interpolant | Subroutine | |
far_field | bc_primitive | Subroutine | Far-field Riemann boundary condition |
fill_fixed_values | read_bc | Subroutine | Fill the Fixed_var array with with free-stream value or default values. |
find_CCnormal | CC | Subroutine | Find the cell-center unit normal |
find_CCVn | CC | Subroutine | Taking a dot product between Cell-center velocity and unit normal |
find_DCCVn | CC | Subroutine | Find gradient of the dot product between cell velocity and unit normal |
find_resnorm | resnorm | Subroutine | Find the normalized residual for each processor |
find_wall | wall | Subroutine | Setup wall flag for all six boundary of the block |
find_wall_dist | wall_dist | Subroutine | Determine the minimum wall distance from the wall surface node points |
finish_run | solver | Subroutine | Finishing the solution computation |
fix | bc_primitive | Subroutine | Generalized subroutine to fix particular value at particular face |
flow_tangency | FT_bc | Subroutine | Apply flow tangency boundary condition |
Flux | plusgs | Function | Calculate the total flux through face for laminar flow. |
Flux | lusgs | Function | calculate the total flux through face for laminar flow. |
get_absolute_resnorm | resnorm | Subroutine | Get absolute residual for current process |
get_count_within_braces | read | Subroutine | Get number of variables between two curly braces |
get_fixed_values | read_bc | Subroutine | Extract fixed value from the bc_**.md file |
get_n_grad | gradients | Subroutine | Set number of variables for which gradient is required based on the being used |
get_next_solution | update | Subroutine | Get solution at next time-step using scheme given in the input file. |
get_next_token | read | Subroutine | Extract the next token from the config file |
get_next_token_parallel | layout | Subroutine | Extract the next token from the layout file |
get_number_of_line | read | Function | Get number of lines till some character like "#" |
get_process_data | layout | Subroutine | Get Processor Id and total number of processors |
get_relative_resnorm | resnorm | Subroutine | Get relative residual with respect to first iteration residual |
get_rw_count | read | Subroutine | Get read/write count |
get_total_conservative_Residue | update | Subroutine | For each iteration it apply boundary conditions, use higher order method to reconstruct state at face, evalute fluxes at each face, calculate inviscid residual, and introuduce additional residual due to viscosity, turbulence and source terms. |
ghost_grid | grid | Subroutine | generate ghost grid for the various operations later. |
init_infinity_values | state | Subroutine | Set the values of the infinity variables "qp_inf" |
init_state_with_infinity_values | state | Subroutine | Initialize the state based on the infinity values |
initmisc | solver | Subroutine | Initilize miscellaneous variables |
initstate | state | Subroutine | Initialize the state. If load file(start_from) is 0, then the state should be set to the infinity values. Otherwise, read the state_file to get the state values |
iterate_one_more_time_step | solver | Subroutine | Perform one time step iteration |
KKLFlux | lusgs | Function | calculate the total flux through face for turbulent flow (k-kL) |
lcase | check_output_control | Function | Make the whole string to lower case |
lctm2015flux | plusgs | Function | Calculate the total flux through face for turbulent/transition flow (LCTM2015) |
lctm2015flux | lusgs | Function | calculate the total flux through face for turbulent/transition flow (LCTM2015) |
link_aliases | wall | Subroutine | Link pointers wall_x, wall_y, wall_z to wallc |
make_dump_dir | dump_solution | Subroutine | Solution directory and sub-directory in created with particular number |
no_slip | bc_primitive | Subroutine | No-slip wall boundary condition. All the component of velocity throught face is zero |
normalize_face_normals | geometry | Subroutine | Normalize the face normal vectors computed to get unit vectors |
open_file | write_output | Subroutine | Open the file to write the solution |
open_file | read_output | Subroutine | Open file from the restart folder |
periodic_bc | bc_primitive | Subroutine | Single block periodic boundary condition. Not to be used for multiblock boundary condition |
pole | bc_primitive | Subroutine | Boundary condition for the block face with zero area; turning into a pole |
populate_ghost_primitive | bc_primitive | Subroutine | Populate the state variables in the ghost cell with particular value based on the boundary conditio being applied at that face |
populate_grid_points | grid | Subroutine | Use the grid file to populate the grid points. |
pressure_based_switching | muscl | Subroutine | Pressure based switching. User x,y, or z for I,J,or K face respectively |
pressure_based_switching | ppm | Subroutine | Pressure based switching. User x,y, or z for I,J,or K face respectively |
purge_dump_dir | dump_solution | Subroutine | Purge the directory based on the input |
read_controls | read | Subroutine | Read file |
read_destroy_nodefile | wall_dist | Subroutine | Read, and close surface_node_point file |
read_file | read_output_vtk | Subroutine | Read all the variable for the vtk restart file |
read_file | read_output_tec | Subroutine | Read all the variable for the tecplot restart file |
read_file | read_output | Subroutine | Read restart file |
read_fixed_values | read_bc | Subroutine | Read fixed values for each block face |
read_flow | read | Subroutine | Read control file |
read_grid | read_output_vtk | Subroutine | Skip the grid read in the restart file |
read_grid | read_output_tec | Subroutine | Skip the grid read in the restart file |
read_header | read_output_vtk | Subroutine | Skip read the header in the vtk file |
read_header | read_output_tec | Subroutine | Skip read the header in the tecplot file |
read_input_and_controls | read | Subroutine | Read all the input control files |
read_interface_map | mapping | Subroutine | Read mapping file in the system/mesh/layout/mapping.txt |
read_layout_file | layout | Subroutine | Read the layout file for particular processor |
read_output_control | read | Subroutine | Read file |
read_periodic_bc_file | mapping | Subroutine | Read file in the system/mesh/layout/ |
read_Res_list | read | Subroutine | Read Residual file: |
read_restart_file | read_output | Subroutine | Read the sub-directory log file in the restart folder |
read_scalar | read_output_vtk | Subroutine | Read scalar from the vtk file |
read_scalar | read_output_tec | Subroutine | Read scalar from the tecplot file |
read_scheme | read | Subroutine | Read control file |
read_velocity | read_output_vtk | Subroutine | Read velocity vector from the vtk file |
reconstruct_boundary_state | boundary_state_reconstruction | Subroutine | Call reconstruction based on the flag and boundary condition |
reconstruct_imax | boundary_state_reconstruction | Subroutine | Reconstruct state at the IMAX boundary face with MUSCL scheme |
reconstruct_imin | boundary_state_reconstruction | Subroutine | Reconstruct state at the IMIN boundary face with MUSCL scheme |
reconstruct_jmax | boundary_state_reconstruction | Subroutine | Reconstruct state at the JMAX boundary face with MUSCL scheme |
reconstruct_jmin | boundary_state_reconstruction | Subroutine | Reconstruct state at the JMIN boundary face with MUSCL scheme |
reconstruct_kmax | boundary_state_reconstruction | Subroutine | Reconstruct state at the KMAX boundary face with MUSCL scheme |
reconstruct_kmin | boundary_state_reconstruction | Subroutine | Reconstruct state at the KMIN boundary face with MUSCL scheme |
remove_directory | dump_solution | Subroutine | Remove a directory |
remove_extrema | ppm | Subroutine | Remove extrema from the state estimated. Limiting the value in case of PPM |
SAFlux | plusgs | Function | Calculate the total flux through face for turbulent flow (SA) |
SAFlux | lusgs | Function | calculate the total flux through face for turbulent flow (SA) |
set_n_var_value | state | Subroutine | Set number of variable to solver for based on the tubulence and transition model being used |
set_omega_at_wall | bc_primitive | Subroutine | Set value of turbulence variable: omega (turbulenct dissipation rate). Value fixed is accourding to the SST turbulence model |
set_value | read_bc | Subroutine | Set particular value to the Fixed_var variable |
setup_bc | bc | Subroutine | Initialization and allocate memory of boundary condition variables |
setup_file | resnorm | Subroutine | Open the residual file to write |
setup_file | write_output | Subroutine | Setup the file type based on the input |
setup_file | read_output | Subroutine | Steup the file to read the restart state. |
setup_geometry | geometry | Subroutine | Make the geometry module useful |
setup_gradients | gradients | Subroutine | Memoery allocation to the gradient variables and setup pointer to the slice to the main gradient variable based on the various models being used. |
setup_grid | grid | Subroutine | Read the grid file and initialize the grid |
setup_interface | interface1 | Subroutine | Allocate memory for the data communication between processors |
setup_interpolant_scheme | face_interpolant | Subroutine | |
setup_lusgs | lusgs | Subroutine | allocate array memory for data communication |
setup_nodefile | wall_dist | Subroutine | Open and read first line of surface_node_point file |
setup_plusgs | plusgs | Subroutine | Allocate array memory for data communication |
setup_resnorm | resnorm | Subroutine | Allocate memory, setup scale and file to write |
setup_scale | resnorm | Subroutine | Setup scale required for relative and absolute residual for writing in the file. |
setup_scheme | scheme | Subroutine | |
setup_solver | solver | Subroutine | Call to allocate memoery and initialize domain |
setup_state | state | Subroutine | Setup the state module. This subroutine should be run before the state variables are initilized. This subroutine allocates the memory for state variables and sets up the aliases to refer to the components of the state |
setup_surface | wall | Subroutine | Open MPI_shared write file, allocate memory and setup pointers |
setup_time | time | Subroutine | Allocate memeroy and setup initial clock |
setup_update | update | Subroutine | Allocate memory to variables required based on the time-integration scheme. |
setup_viscosity | viscosity | Subroutine | Allocate and pointer for molecular and turbulent viscosity |
setup_wall_dist | wall_dist | Subroutine | Allocate memory to the wall_distance variables and read the surface node file |
setupCC | CC | Subroutine | Allocate memory for the cell center variable only in case of transition model |
skip_scalar | read_output_vtk | Subroutine | Skip read scalar from the vtk file |
skip_scalar | read_output_tec | Subroutine | Skip read scalar from the tecplot file |
slip_wall | bc_primitive | Subroutine | Slip wall boundary condition. Maintain flow tangency |
sound_speed_inf | state | Function | Return the free stream speed of sound. |
SpectralRadius | plusgs | Function | Calculated spectral radius |
SpectralRadius | lusgs | Function | Calculate the spectral radius |
SSTFlux | plusgs | Function | Calculate the total flux through face for turbulent flow (SST) |
SSTFlux | lusgs | Function | calculate the total flux through face for turbulent flow (SST) |
start_run | solver | Subroutine | Starting the solver setup |
subsonic_inlet | bc_primitive | Subroutine | Subsonic inlet boundary condition. All the state variables's value expect pressure is fixed and pressure is copied from inside the domain |
subsonic_outlet | bc_primitive | Subroutine | Subsonic outlet boundary condition. All the state variables's value expect pressure is copied from the inside of the domain and pressure is fixed |
supersonic_inlet | bc_primitive | Subroutine | Supersonic inlet boundary condition All the values of state variables are fixed |
supersonic_outlet | bc_primitive | Subroutine | Supersonic outlet boundary condition. All the values of state variables are copied from inside the domain |
surface_points | wall | Subroutine | Extract surface points and store them in a string vector str(ind) |
temp_based_density | bc_primitive | Subroutine | Specify the density in the ghost cell based on the temperature on the wall. Isothermal or adiabatic |
total_pressure | bc_primitive | Subroutine | Total Pressure Riemann boundary condition |
update_KKL_variables | lusgs | Subroutine | Update the RANS (k-kL) equation with LU-SGS |
update_laminar_variables | plusgs | Subroutine | Update laminar flow with LU-SGS scheme |
update_laminar_variables | lusgs | Subroutine | Update laminar flow with LU-SGS scheme |
update_lctm2015 | plusgs | Subroutine | Update the RANS/transition (LCTM2015) equation with LU-SGS |
update_lctm2015 | lusgs | Subroutine | Update the RANS (LCTM2015 transition model with SST2003) equation with LU-SGS |
update_SA_variables | plusgs | Subroutine | Update the RANS (SA) equation with LU-SGS |
update_SA_variables | lusgs | Subroutine | Update the RANS (SA) equation with LU-SGS |
update_simulation_clock | time | Subroutine | Update the simulation clock |
update_SST_variables | plusgs | Subroutine | Update the RANS (SST) equation with LU-SGS |
update_SST_variables | lusgs | Subroutine | Update the RANS (SST) equation with LU-SGS |
update_with | update | Subroutine | A generalized scheme to updat the solution explicitly using any RK method and even first order euler explicit. |
update_with_lusgs | lusgs | Subroutine | Time-integrate with LU_SGS method |
update_with_plusgs | plusgs | Subroutine | Time-integrate with LU_SGS method |
verify_read_control | check_output_control | Subroutine | Verify all the variable being asked to read in the output file. This is a fail-safe subroutine which do not allow to read the incorrect input variable. Based on previous flow type some varible might be skipped |
verify_write_control | check_output_control | Subroutine | Verify all the variable being asked to write in the output file. This is a fail-safe subroutine which do not allow to write the incorrect input variable |
vol_hexahedron | geometry | Function | Compute the volume of a hexahedron, given a list of points |
vol_tetrahedron | geometry | Function | Compute the volume of a tetrahedron, given 4 points which are 1-D arrays Since we know that the determinant is to be evaluated of a 3x3 matrix, we write the expression itself |
wall | bc_primitive | Subroutine | Adiabatic/Isothermal wall boundary condition |
write_file | write_output_tec_node | Subroutine | Write output file in the tecplot format with node data |
write_file | write_output_vtk | Subroutine | Write the header and variables in the file "process_xx.dat" |
write_file | write_output_tec | Subroutine | Write the header and variables in the file "process_xx.dat". |
write_file | write_output | Subroutine | Writing output in the file according to the input file type |
write_grid | write_output_tec_node | Subroutine | Write grid information in the output file |
write_grid | write_output_vtk | Subroutine | Write the grid information in the output file |
write_grid | write_output_tec | Subroutine | Write the grid information in the output file |
write_header | write_output_tec_node | Subroutine | Write the header in the output file |
write_header | write_output_vtk | Subroutine | Write the header in the output file in the tecplot format |
write_header | write_output_tec | Subroutine | Write the header in the output file in the tecplot format |
write_initial_resnorm | dump_solution | Subroutine | Writing Initial resnorom in the log file to maintian continuity of resnorm while restrarting |
write_resnorm | resnorm | Subroutine | Writing the residual in the file to save. |
write_restart_log | dump_solution | Subroutine | Call to write log file in the subdirectory "restart". It is useful information while restarting the solver |
write_scalar | write_output_tec_node | Subroutine | Write scalar variable in the output file |
write_scalar | write_output_vtk | Subroutine | Write the scalar variable in the output file |
write_scalar | write_output_tec | Subroutine | Write the scalar variable in the output file |
write_surfnode | wall | Subroutine | Extract and write the wall surface node points in a file shared by all the MPI processes |
write_time | time | Function | Particular format to write time in output log file |
write_velocity | write_output_vtk | Subroutine | Write the velocity vector in the output file |