Write the header in the output file in the tecplot format
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(controltype), | intent(in) | :: | control |
subroutine write_header(control)
!< Write the header in the output file in the tecplot format
implicit none
type(controltype), intent(in) :: control
integer :: n
integer :: total
write(OUT_FILE_UNIT,'(a)') "variables = x y z "
do n = 1,control%w_count
select case (trim(control%w_list(n)))
write(OUT_FILE_UNIT, '(a)') " u v w "
total = total+3
case('do not write')
case Default
write(OUT_FILE_UNIT, '(a)') trim(control%w_list(n))//" "
total = total+1
end select
end do
write(OUT_FILE_UNIT, '(a,i4.4,3(a,i5.5),a)') "zone T=block",process_id," i=",imx," j=",jmx, " k=",kmx, " Datapacking=Block"
write(OUT_FILE_UNIT,*) "Varlocation=([1-3]=Nodal)"
write(OUT_FILE_UNIT,'(a,i2.2,a)') "Varlocation=([4-",total,"]=CELLCENTERED)"
write(OUT_FILE_UNIT,"(a,i4.4)") "STRANDID=",1
write(OUT_FILE_UNIT,"(a,i4.4)") "SOLUTIONTIME=",control%checkpoint_iter_count
end subroutine write_header