add_sst_source_lctm2015 Subroutine

private subroutine add_sst_source_lctm2015(qp, residue, cells, Ifaces, Jfaces, Kfaces, scheme, dims)

Add residual due to source terms of the LCTM2015 transition model


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(-2:dims%imx+2, -2:dims%jmx+2, -2:dims%kmx+2, 1:dims%n_var):: qp
real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(:, :, :, :):: residue

Store residue at each cell-center

type(celltype), intent(in), dimension(-2:dims%imx+2,-2:dims%jmx+2,-2:dims%kmx+2):: cells

Input cell quantities: volume

type(facetype), intent(in), dimension(-2:dims%imx+3,-2:dims%jmx+2,-2:dims%kmx+2):: Ifaces

Input varaible which stores I faces' area and unit normal

type(facetype), intent(in), dimension(-2:dims%imx+2,-2:dims%jmx+3,-2:dims%kmx+2):: Jfaces

Input varaible which stores J faces' area and unit normal

type(facetype), intent(in), dimension(-2:dims%imx+2,-2:dims%jmx+2,-2:dims%kmx+3):: Kfaces

Input varaible which stores K faces' area and unit normal

type(schemetype), intent(in) :: scheme

finite-volume Schemes

type(extent), intent(in) :: dims

Extent of the domain:imx,jmx,kmx


proc~~add_sst_source_lctm2015~~CallsGraph proc~add_sst_source_lctm2015 add_sst_source_lctm2015 proc~find_dccvn find_DCCVn proc~add_sst_source_lctm2015->proc~find_dccvn proc~compute_gradient compute_gradient proc~find_dccvn->proc~compute_gradient proc~find_ccvn find_CCVn proc~find_dccvn->proc~find_ccvn

Called by

proc~~add_sst_source_lctm2015~~CalledByGraph proc~add_sst_source_lctm2015 add_sst_source_lctm2015 proc~add_source_term_residue add_source_term_residue proc~add_source_term_residue->proc~add_sst_source_lctm2015 proc~get_total_conservative_residue get_total_conservative_Residue proc~get_total_conservative_residue->proc~add_source_term_residue proc~get_next_solution get_next_solution proc~get_next_solution->proc~get_total_conservative_residue proc~iterate_one_more_time_step iterate_one_more_time_step proc~iterate_one_more_time_step->proc~get_next_solution program~main main program~main->proc~iterate_one_more_time_step


Source Code

    subroutine add_sst_source_lctm2015(qp, residue, cells, Ifaces, Jfaces, Kfaces, scheme, dims)
      !< Add residual due to source terms of the LCTM2015 transition model
      implicit none
      type(schemetype), intent(in) :: scheme
      !< finite-volume Schemes
      type(extent), intent(in) :: dims
      !< Extent of the domain:imx,jmx,kmx
      real(wp), dimension(-2:dims%imx+2, -2:dims%jmx+2, -2:dims%kmx+2, 1:dims%n_var), intent(in) :: qp
      real(wp), dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(inout)  :: residue
      !< Store residue at each cell-center
      type(celltype), dimension(-2:dims%imx+2,-2:dims%jmx+2,-2:dims%kmx+2), intent(in) :: cells
      !< Input cell quantities: volume
      type(facetype), dimension(-2:dims%imx+3,-2:dims%jmx+2,-2:dims%kmx+2), intent(in) :: Ifaces
      !< Input varaible which stores I faces' area and unit normal
      type(facetype), dimension(-2:dims%imx+2,-2:dims%jmx+3,-2:dims%kmx+2), intent(in) :: Jfaces
      !< Input varaible which stores J faces' area and unit normal
      type(facetype), dimension(-2:dims%imx+2,-2:dims%jmx+2,-2:dims%kmx+3), intent(in) :: Kfaces
      !< Input varaible which stores K faces' area and unit normal
      integer :: i,j,k

      real(wp) :: CD
      !< Cross-diffustion term
      real(wp) :: F1
      !< single cell blending function
      real(wp) :: vort
      !< vorticity magnitude
      real(wp) :: S_K
      !< Total source term in TKE equation
      real(wp) :: S_w
      !< Total source term in Omega equation
      real(wp) :: S_gm
      !< Total source term in Gamma equation
      real(wp) :: D_k
      !< Destruction term in TKE equation
      real(wp) :: D_w
      !< Destruction term in Omega equation
      real(wp) :: D_gm
      !< Destruction term in Gamma equation
      real(wp) :: P_k
      !< production term in TKE equation
      real(wp) :: P_w
      !< production term in Omega equation
      real(wp) :: P_gm
      !< production term in Gamma equation
      real(wp) :: lamda
      !< additional source term in Omega equation
      real(wp) :: Fonset1,Fonset2, Fonset3,Fonset
      !< Transition onset term 
      real(wp) :: Rev
      !< Reynodlds number based on vorticity
      real(wp) :: RT
      !< Turbulent reynolds number
      real(wp) :: Fturb
      real(wp) :: Re_theta
      !< Cutt-off reynolds number based on momentum thickness
      real(wp) :: TuL
      !< local turbulence intensity
      real(wp) :: strain
      !< Strain rate magnitude
      real(wp) :: intermittency
      !< intermittency
      real(wp) :: Pk_lim
      !< production lim term
      real(wp) :: Fon_lim
      real(wp) :: lamd
      !< pressure gradient 
      real(wp) :: Fpg
      !< pressure gradient functin
      real(wp) :: divergence
      !< del.V
      real(wp) :: dvdy
      !< pressure gradient sensor
      integer :: limiter
      !< production limiter
      real(wp) :: density
      !< single cell Density
      real(wp) :: tk
      !< single cell TKE
      real(wp) :: tw
      !< single cell Omega

      if(trim(scheme%turbulence) == 'sst2003')then
        limiter = 10
        gama1 = 5.0/9.0
        gama2 = 0.44
        limiter = 20
      end if

      !for pressure gradient calculation
      call find_DCCVn(qp, cells, Ifaces, Jfaces, Kfaces, dims)

      do k = 1,dims%kmx-1
        do j = 1,dims%jmx-1
          do i = 1,dims%imx-1

            density       = qp(i,j,k,1)
            tk            = qp(i,j,k,6)
            tw            = qp(i,j,k,7)
            intermittency = qp(i,j,k,8)

            ! __ vorticity __
            vort = sqrt(     ((gradw_y(i,j,k)- gradv_z(i,j,k))**2 &
                            + (gradu_z(i,j,k)- gradw_x(i,j,k))**2 &
                            + (gradv_x(i,j,k)- gradu_y(i,j,k))**2 &

            strain = sqrt(     (((gradw_y(i,j,k) + gradv_z(i,j,k))**2) &
                              + ((gradu_z(i,j,k) + gradw_x(i,j,k))**2) &
                              + ((gradv_x(i,j,k) + gradu_y(i,j,k))**2) &
                              + 2*(gradu_x(i,j,k)**2) &
                              + 2*(gradv_y(i,j,k)**2) &
                              + 2*(gradw_z(i,j,k)**2) &

            CD = 2*density*sigma_w2*(gradtk_x(i,j,k)*gradtw_x(i,j,k)&
                                   + gradtk_y(i,j,k)*gradtw_y(i,j,k)&
                                   + gradtk_z(i,j,k)*gradtw_z(i,j,k)&
            CD = max(CD, 10.0**(-limiter))
            F1 = sst_F1(i,j,k)

            sigma_k     =    sigma_k1*F1  +    sigma_k2*(1. - F1)
            sigma_w     =    sigma_w1*F1  +    sigma_w1*(1. - F1)
            gama        =       gama1*F1  +       gama2*(1. - F1)
            beta        =       beta1*F1  +       beta2*(1. - F1)

            ! ____ Dissipation term ___
            D_k = bstar*density*tw*tk
            D_w = beta*density*tw**2

            ! ____ PRODUCTION term____ 
            divergence = gradu_x(i,j,k) + gradv_y(i,j,k) + gradw_z(i,j,k)
            P_k = mu_t(i,j,k)*(vort*strain) - ((2.0/3.0)*density*tk*divergence)
            P_k = min(P_k, limiter*D_k)
            P_w = (density*gama/mu_t(i,j,k))*P_k

            ! ____ cross diffusion term ___
            lamda = (1. - F1)*CD

            ! ____Transition modeling  ____
              ! --pressure gradient 
            dvdy = DCCVnX(i,j,k)*CCnormalX(i,j,k) &
                 + DCCVnY(i,j,k)*CCnormalY(i,j,k) &
                 + DCCVnZ(i,j,k)*CCnormalZ(i,j,k)
            lamd =(-7.57e-3)*(dvdy*dist(i,j,k)*dist(i,j,k)*density/mu(i,j,k)) + 0.0128
            lamd = min(max(lamd, -1.0), 1.0)
                Fpg = min(1.0 + 14.68*lamd, 1.5)
                Fpg = min(1.0 - 7.34*lamd, 3.0)
            end if
            Fpg = max(Fpg, 0.0)
              ! --gradient
            TuL = min(100.0*sqrt(2.0*tk/3.0)/(tw*dist(i,j,k)),100.0)
            Re_theta = 100.0 + 1000.0*exp(-TuL*Fpg)
            !Re_theta = 100.0 + 1000.0*exp(-TuL)
            Rev = density*dist(i,j,k)*dist(i,j,k)*strain/mu(i,j,k)
            RT = density*tk/(mu(i,j,k)*tw)
            Fturb = exp(-(0.5*Rt)**4)
            Fonset1 = Rev/(2.2*Re_theta)
            Fonset2 = min(Fonset1, 2.0)
            Fonset3 = max(1.0 - (RT/3.5)**3, 0.0)
            Fonset  = max(Fonset2 - Fonset3, 0.0)
            P_gm = 100*density*strain*intermittency*(1.0 - intermittency)*Fonset
            D_gm = 0.06*density*vort*intermittency*Fturb*((50.0*intermittency) - 1.0)

            Fon_lim = min(max((Rev/(2.2*1100.0))-1.0, 0.0), 3.0)
            Pk_lim = 5*max(intermittency - 0.2,0.0)*(1.0 - intermittency)*Fon_lim*max(3*mu(i,j,k) - mu_t(i,j,k), 0.0)*strain*vort
            S_k = intermittency*P_k - max(intermittency,0.1)*D_k  +  Pk_lim      !Source term gm
            S_W = P_w - D_w  + lamda        !Source term gm
            S_gm = P_gm - D_gm           !Source term gm

            S_k = S_k * cells(i, j, k)%volume
            S_w = S_w * cells(i, j, k)%volume
            S_gm= S_gm* cells(i, j, k)%Volume

            residue(i, j, k, 6) = residue(i, j, k, 6) - S_k
            residue(i, j, k, 7) = residue(i, j, k, 7) - S_w
            residue(i, j, k, 8) = residue(i, j, k, 8) - S_gm

          end do
        end do
      end do

    end subroutine add_sst_source_lctm2015