surface_points Subroutine

private subroutine surface_points(nodes)

Extract surface points and store them in a string vector str(ind)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(nodetype), intent(in), dimension(-2:imx+3,-2:jmx+3,-2:kmx+3):: nodes


proc~~surface_points~~CallsGraph proc~surface_points surface_points debugcall debugcall proc~surface_points->debugcall

Called by

proc~~surface_points~~CalledByGraph proc~surface_points surface_points proc~write_surfnode write_surfnode proc~write_surfnode->proc~surface_points proc~setup_solver setup_solver proc~setup_solver->proc~write_surfnode proc~start_run start_run proc~start_run->proc~setup_solver program~main main program~main->proc~start_run


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine surface_points(nodes)
      !< Extract surface points and store them
      !< in a string vector str(ind)

      implicit none
      type(nodetype), dimension(-2:imx+3,-2:jmx+3,-2:kmx+3), intent(in) :: nodes
      integer :: OL
      integer :: i, j, k, ind
      integer :: im=1, ix=1
      integer :: jm=1, jx=1
      integer :: km=1, kx=1


      ind = 0

      do OL = 1,6

        if (NO_SLIP_flag(OL) == 1 )then
          select case (OL)
            case (1)
              km = 1
              jm = 1
              im = 1
              kx = kmx
              jx = jmx
              ix = 1
            case (2)
              km = 1
              jm = 1
              im = imx
              kx = kmx
              jx = jmx
              ix = imx
            case (3)
              km = 1
              jm = 1
              im = 1
              kx = kmx
              jx = 1
              ix = imx
            case (4)
              km = 1
              jm = jmx
              im = 1
              kx = kmx
              jx = jmx
              ix = imx
            case (5)
              km = 1
              jm = 1
              im = 1
              kx = 1
              jx = jmx
              ix = imx
            case (6)
              km = kmx
              jm = 1
              im = 1
              kx = kmx
              jx = jmx
              ix = imx
            case DEFAULT
              km = 1
              jm = 1
              im = 1
              kx = -1
              jx = -1
              ix = -1
          end select

        do k = km,kx
          do j = jm,jx
            do i = im,ix 
              ind = ind + 1
              wall_x(ind) = nodes(i, j, k )%x
              wall_y(ind) = nodes(i, j, k )%y
              wall_z(ind) = nodes(i, j, k )%z
              write(str(ind),'(3(f0.16, 4x))') wall_x(ind), wall_y(ind), wall_z(ind)
            end do
          end do
        end do

        end if

    end do

    end subroutine surface_points