fill_fixed_values Subroutine

private subroutine fill_fixed_values(scheme, flow, bc)

Fill the Fixed_var array with with free-stream value or default values.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(schemetype), intent(in) :: scheme
type(flowtype), intent(in) :: flow
type(boundarytype), intent(inout) :: bc


proc~~fill_fixed_values~~CallsGraph proc~fill_fixed_values fill_fixed_values proc~set_value set_value proc~fill_fixed_values->proc~set_value

Called by

proc~~fill_fixed_values~~CalledByGraph proc~fill_fixed_values fill_fixed_values proc~read_fixed_values read_fixed_values proc~read_fixed_values->proc~fill_fixed_values proc~setup_bc setup_bc proc~setup_bc->proc~read_fixed_values proc~setup_solver setup_solver proc~setup_solver->proc~setup_bc proc~start_run start_run proc~start_run->proc~setup_solver program~main main program~main->proc~start_run


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine fill_fixed_values(scheme, flow, bc)
      !< Fill the Fixed_var array with with free-stream value
      !< or default values.
      implicit none
      type(schemetype), intent(in) :: scheme
      type(flowtype), intent(in) :: flow
      type(boundarytype), intent(inout) :: bc
      integer :: count
      integer :: ios=-1

      do count = 1,6
        !case ("FIX_DENSITY")
          call set_value(bc%fixed_density , flow%density_inf, flow%density_inf , count, ios)

        !case ("FIX_X_SPEED")
          call set_value(bc%fixed_x_speed , flow%x_speed_inf, flow%x_speed_inf , count, ios)

        !case ("FIX_Y_SPEED")
          call set_value(bc%fixed_y_speed , flow%y_speed_inf, flow%y_speed_inf , count, ios)

        !case ("FIX_Z_SPEED")
          call set_value(bc%fixed_z_speed , flow%z_speed_inf, flow%z_speed_inf , count, ios)

        !case ("FIX_PRESSURE")
          call set_value(bc%fixed_pressure, flow%pressure_inf, flow%pressure_inf, count, ios)

        !case ("WALL_TEMPERATURE")
          call set_value(bc%fixed_wall_temperature, 0.0, 0.0, count, ios)

        !case ("TOTAL_TEMPERATURE")
          call set_value(bc%fixed_Ttemperature, 0.0, 0.0, count, ios)

        !case ("TOTAL_PRESSURE")
          call set_value(bc%fixed_Tpressure, 0.0, 0.0, count, ios)

        select case (scheme%turbulence)

          case ("none")
            !do nothing

          case ("sst", 'tw', 'sst2003')
            !case ("FIX_tk")
              call set_value(bc%fixed_tk      , flow%tk_inf, flow%tk_inf      , count, ios)
            !case ("FIX_tw")
              call set_value(bc%fixed_tw      , flow%tw_inf, flow%tw_inf      , count, ios)
          case ("kkl")
            !case ("FIX_tk")
              call set_value(bc%fixed_tk      , flow%tk_inf, flow%tk_inf      , count, ios)
            !case ("FIX_tkl")
              call set_value(bc%fixed_tkl     , flow%tkl_inf, flow%tkl_inf     , count, ios)

          case ("sa", "saBC")
            !case ("FIX_tv")
              call set_value(bc%fixed_tk      , flow%tv_inf, flow%tv_inf      , count, ios)

          case DEFAULT

        end select
      end do

    end subroutine fill_fixed_values