Inviscid flux calculation through faces
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
integer, | public | :: | imx | ||||
integer, | public | :: | jmx | ||||
integer, | public | :: | kmx | ||||
integer, | public | :: | n_var |
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(out), | dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable, target | :: | residue | Store residue at each cell-center |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out), | dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable | :: | F | Store fluxes throught the I faces |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out), | dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable | :: | G | Store fluxes throught the J faces |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out), | dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable | :: | H | Store fluxes throught the K faces |
type(controltype), | intent(in) | :: | control | Control parameters |
type(extent), | intent(in) | :: | dims | extent of the 3D domain |
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(:, :, :, :) | :: | F | Store fluxes throught the I faces |
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(:, :, :, :) | :: | G | Store fluxes throught the J faces |
real(kind=wp), | intent(inout), | dimension(:, :, :, :) | :: | H | Store fluxes throught the K faces |
type(facetype), | intent(in), | dimension(-2:dims%imx+3,-2:dims%jmx+2,-2:dims%kmx+2) | :: | Ifaces | Store face quantites for I faces |
type(facetype), | intent(in), | dimension(-2:dims%imx+2,-2:dims%jmx+3,-2:dims%kmx+2) | :: | Jfaces | Store face quantites for J faces |
type(facetype), | intent(in), | dimension(-2:dims%imx+2,-2:dims%jmx+2,-2:dims%kmx+3) | :: | Kfaces | Store face quantites for K faces |
type(schemetype), | intent(in) | :: | scheme | finite-volume Schemes |
type(flowtype), | intent(in) | :: | flow | Information about fluid flow: freestream-speed, ref-viscosity,etc. |
type(boundarytype), | intent(in) | :: | bc | boundary conditions and fixed values |
type(extent), | intent(in) | :: | dims | extent of the 3D domain |
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(out), | dimension(:, :, :, :) | :: | residue | Store residue at each cell-center |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in), | dimension(:, :, :, :) | :: | F | Store fluxes throught the I faces |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in), | dimension(:, :, :, :) | :: | G | Store fluxes throught the J faces |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in), | dimension(:, :, :, :) | :: | H | Store fluxes throught the K faces |
type(extent), | intent(in) | :: | dims | extent of the 3D domain |