set_omega_at_wall Subroutine

private subroutine set_omega_at_wall(face)

Set value of turbulence variable: omega (turbulenct dissipation rate). Value fixed is accourding to the SST turbulence model


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
character(len=*), intent(in) :: face

Called by

proc~~set_omega_at_wall~~CalledByGraph proc~set_omega_at_wall set_omega_at_wall proc~no_slip no_slip proc~no_slip->proc~set_omega_at_wall proc~wall wall proc~wall->proc~no_slip proc~populate_ghost_primitive populate_ghost_primitive proc~populate_ghost_primitive->proc~wall proc~get_total_conservative_residue get_total_conservative_Residue proc~get_total_conservative_residue->proc~populate_ghost_primitive proc~get_next_solution get_next_solution proc~get_next_solution->proc~get_total_conservative_residue proc~iterate_one_more_time_step iterate_one_more_time_step proc~iterate_one_more_time_step->proc~get_next_solution program~main main program~main->proc~iterate_one_more_time_step


Source Code

Source Code

      subroutine set_omega_at_wall(face)
        !< Set value of turbulence variable: omega (turbulenct dissipation rate). 
        !< Value fixed is accourding to the SST turbulence model
        implicit none
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: face
        real(wp) :: T_face
        real(wp) :: mu
        real(wp) :: rho
        integer :: i,j,k,l
        select case(face)
            do l=1,3
          do k = 1,kmx-1
            do j = 1,jmx-1
              T_face = 0.5*((pressure(0, j, k)/density(0, j, k))+(pressure(1, j, k)/density(1, j, k)))/R_gas
              mu = mu_ref * (T_face/T_ref)**1.5*((T_ref + Sutherland_temp )/(T_face + Sutherland_temp))
              rho = 0.5 * (density(0, j, k) + density(1, j, k))
              tw(1-l, j, k) = 120*mu/(rho*beta1*(2*dist(1, j, k))**2) - tw(l, j, k)
            end do
          end do
        end do
          do l=1,3
          do k = 1,kmx-1
            do j = 1,jmx-1
              T_face = 0.5*((pressure(imx-1, j, k)/density(imx-1, j, k))+(pressure(imx, j, k)/density(imx, j, k)))/R_gas
              mu = mu_ref * (T_face/T_ref)**1.5*((T_ref + Sutherland_temp )/(T_face + Sutherland_temp))
              rho = 0.5 * (density(imx-1, j, k) + density(imx, j, k))
              tw(imx+l-1, j, k) = 120*mu/(rho*beta1*(2*dist(imx-1, j, k))**2) - tw(imx-l, j, k)
            end do
          end do
        end do
          do l=1,3
          do k = 1,kmx-1
            do i = 1,imx-1
              T_face = 0.5*((pressure(i, 0, k)/density(i, 0, k))+(pressure(i, 1, k)/density(i, 1, k)))/R_gas
              mu = mu_ref * (T_face/T_ref)**1.5*((T_ref + Sutherland_temp )/(T_face + Sutherland_temp))
              rho = 0.5 * (density(i, 0, k) + density(i, 1, k))
              tw(i, 1-l, k) = 120*mu/(rho*beta1*(2*dist(i, 1, k))**2) - tw(i, l, k)
            end do
          end do
        end do
          do l=1,3
          do k = 1,kmx-1
            do i = 1,imx-1
              T_face = 0.5*((pressure(i, jmx-1, k)/density(i, jmx-1, k))+(pressure(i, jmx, k)/density(i, jmx, k)))/R_gas
              mu = mu_ref * (T_face/T_ref)**1.5*((T_ref + Sutherland_temp )/(T_face + Sutherland_temp))
              rho = 0.5 * (density(i, jmx-1, k) + density(i, jmx, k))
              tw(i, jmx+l-1, k) = 120*mu/(rho*beta1*(2*dist(i, jmx-1, k))**2) - tw(i, jmx-l, k)
            end do
          end do
        end do
          do l=1,3
          do j = 1,jmx-1
            do i = 1,imx-1
              T_face = 0.5*((pressure(i, j, 0)/density(i, j, 0))+(pressure(i, j, 1)/density(i, j, 1)))/R_gas
              mu = mu_ref * (T_face/T_ref)**1.5*((T_ref + Sutherland_temp )/(T_face + Sutherland_temp))
              rho = 0.5 * (density(i, j, 0) + density(i, j, 1))
              tw(i, j, 1-l) = 120*mu/(rho*beta1*(2*dist(i, j, 1))**2) - tw(i, j, l)
            end do
          end do
        end do
          do l=1,3
          do j = 1,jmx-1
            do i = 1,imx-1
              T_face = 0.5*((pressure(i, j, kmx-1)/density(i, j, kmx-1))+(pressure(i, j, kmx)/density(i, j, kmx)))/R_gas
              mu = mu_ref * (T_face/T_ref)**1.5*((T_ref + Sutherland_temp )/(T_face + Sutherland_temp))
              rho = 0.5 * (density(i, j, kmx-1) + density(i, j, kmx))
              tw(i, j, kmx+l-1) = 120*mu/(rho*beta1*(2*dist(i, j, kmx-1))**2) - tw(i, j, kmx-l)
            end do
          end do
        end do

      end select
    end subroutine set_omega_at_wall