Write the velocity vector in the output file
subroutine write_velocity()
!< Write the velocity vector in the output file
implicit none
! Cell data
! Writing Velocity
write(OUT_FILE_UNIT, fmt='(a, i0)') 'CELL_DATA ', (imx-1)*(jmx-1)*(kmx-1)
write(OUT_FILE_UNIT, '(a)') 'VECTORS Velocity FLOAT'
do k = 1, kmx - 1
do j = 1, jmx - 1
do i = 1, imx - 1
write(OUT_FILE_UNIT, fmt='(ES27.16E4, a, ES27.16E4, a, ES27.16E4)') &
x_speed(i, j, k), ' ', y_speed(i, j, k), ' ', z_speed(i, j, k)
end do
end do
end do
write(OUT_FILE_UNIT, *)
end subroutine write_velocity