Setup, run, and destroy the solver allocate/deallcoate memory, initialize, iterate
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
type(extent), | private | :: | dims | Extent of the domain:imx,jmx,kmx |
type(nodetype), | private, | dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | :: | nodes | Grid points |
type(celltype), | private, | dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | :: | cells | Cell center quantities: volume, cellCenter |
type(facetype), | private, | dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | :: | Ifaces | Face quantities: area and unit normal |
type(facetype), | private, | dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | :: | Jfaces | Face quantities: area and unit normal |
type(facetype), | private, | dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | :: | Kfaces | Face quantities: area and unit normal |
type(controltype), | public | :: | control | Control parameters |
type(schemetype), | public | :: | schemes | finite-volume Schemes |
type(flowtype), | private | :: | flow | Information about fluid flow: freestream-speed, ref-viscosity,etc. |
type(filetype), | private | :: | files | Files' name and handler |
type(boundarytype), | private | :: | boundary | boundary conditions and fixed values |
real(kind=wp), | private, | dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable | :: | qp | Store primitive variable at cell center |
real(kind=wp), | private, | dimension(:, :, : ), allocatable | :: | Temp | Store Temperature variable at cell center |
real(kind=wp), | public, | dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable, target | :: | F | Store fluxes throught the I faces |
real(kind=wp), | public, | dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable, target | :: | G | Store fluxes throught the J faces |
real(kind=wp), | public, | dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable, target | :: | H | Store fluxes throught the K faces |
real(kind=wp), | public, | dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable, target | :: | residue | Store residue at each cell-center |
real(kind=wp), | private, | dimension(:, :, :), allocatable | :: | delta_t | Local time increment value at each cell center |
Aborting the solver
Finishing the solution computation
Starting the solver setup
Call to allocate memoery and initialize domain
Call to different modules to deallocate memory
Initilize miscellaneous variables
Perform one time step iteration