read_grid Subroutine

private subroutine read_grid()

Skip the grid read in the restart file




proc~~read_grid~~CallsGraph proc~read_grid read_grid debugcall debugcall proc~read_grid->debugcall

Called by

proc~~read_grid~~CalledByGraph proc~read_grid read_grid proc~read_file read_file proc~read_file->proc~read_grid


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine read_grid()
      !< Skip the grid read in the restart file
      implicit none

      ! read grid point coordinates
      DebugCall('read_output_vtk: read_grid')
      read(IN_FILE_UNIT, * ) !'DIMENSIONS ', imx, ' ', jmx, ' ', kmx
      read(IN_FILE_UNIT, * ) !'POINTS ', imx*jmx*kmx, ' DOUBLE'
      do k = 1, kmx
       do j = 1, jmx
        do i = 1, imx
          read(IN_FILE_UNIT, *) !point(i, j, k)%x, ' ', point(i, j, k)%y, ' ', point(i, j, k)%z
        end do
       end do
      end do
      read(IN_FILE_UNIT, *) 

    end subroutine read_grid