
An installation bash script has been provided for Ubuntu(Debain), CentOs, and MacOS. Run the script using the following command:

$ .

This will install dependecies, build executable, run unit and integrated tests, and add FEST3D as enviornment variable into either .bashrc or .bash_profile. So, after installation you can call FEST-3D using $FEST3D enviornment variable. The dependencies are installed using apt-get, yum or Homebrew based on the platform. If you are install FEST-3D on some different platform, please follow the manual install instruction below.


Make sure FEST3D enviornment variable is set by

$ echo $FEST3D

If it results in a string of zero length please set the FEST3D variable explicitly by using the following command:

export FEST3D="<path of FEST3D source folder>bin/FEST3D"

Replace the the content with angular braces with absolute path to the root of FEST-3D on your machine. Add above line in the .bashrc or .bash_profile for permanentaly defining the FEST3D variable.

Manually installing FEST-3D

The installation instructions are listed here for Linux platforms. Specifically, examples are given for UBUNTU distribution.


FEST-3D has the following dependencies:

  • Fortran compiler
  • MPI library
  • CMAKE and MAKE


To build the FEST-3D code written in FORTRAN 90 code, a FORTRAN compiler is required. Either open-source gfortran or commercial ifort FORTRAN compilers can be used. To install gfortran on Ubuntu, use the following command:
$sudo apt-get install gfortran

Distributive MPI Library

To have a faster computation, the FEST-3D code uses the MPICH library to distribute the computation load across different processors within one machine or across multiple machines. You can install MPICH on Ubuntu using:
$sudo apt-get install mpich

CMAKE and Make

CMake is required to generate a Makefile, which in turn generates the executable. The following command is useful to install cmake:
$sudo apt-get install build-essential
$sudo apt-get install cmake

So, in summary, all the dependencies can be installed using the following commands:

$sudo apt-get update
$sudo apt-get install build-essential
$sudo apt-get install cmake
$sudo apt-get install gfortran
$sudo apt-get install mpich
$sudo apt-get install python3-numpy


To build the FEST-3D code, we first generate a new "build" directory/folder in the root directory of the FEST-3D code. Inside the build directory, we execute Cmake with specific FORTRAN compiler.
$cmake ..
$make -j 4
Here -j is a parallel building option that speeds up the building process. You can replace the number after "-j" with the number of processors you want to use for building the code.

So, in summary, the following list of commands are required to build the executable

$mkdir build && cd build
$cmake ..
$make -j 4

These commands will create a binary file named FEST3D in the bin folder; located in the root directory of the FEST-3D code.

Once the binary for FEST-3D is created, you can define the FEST3D enviornment variable by adding following line in either .bashrc or .bash_profile:

export FEST3D="<path of FEST3D source folder>bin/FEST3D"

Replace the the content with angular braces with absolute path to the root of FEST-3D on your machine.