This module contains subroutine that 1. check if time for resnorm dump is arrived 2. calculate resnorm 3. send those resnorm to processor number 0 4. Recalulate resnorm based on information availble from all processors 5. Append the data to resnorm file
!< This module contains subroutine that !< 1. check if time for resnorm dump is arrived !< 2. calculate resnorm !< 3. send those resnorm to processor number 0 !< 4. Recalulate resnorm based on information !< availble from all processors !< 5. Append the data to resnorm file module resnorm !< This module contains subroutine that !< 1. check if time for resnorm dump is arrived !< 2. calculate resnorm !< 3. send those resnorm to processor number 0 !< 4. Recalulate resnorm based on information !< availble from all processors !< 5. Append the data to resnorm file !---------------------------------------------------- use vartypes use mpi use utils, only: alloc #include "error.h" private real(wp) :: merror !< mass error real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable :: buffer !< Buffer for mpi communication integer, parameter :: Res_itr = 3 !< Iteration after which Res_save is stores real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable :: Res_abs !< Absolute value of residual norm real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable :: Res_rel !< Relative value of residual norm real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable :: Res_save !< Saved iteration for relative values real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable :: Res_scale !< Scaling factor for normalization public :: setup_resnorm public :: Res_abs, Res_rel public :: find_resnorm contains subroutine setup_resnorm(files, control, scheme, flow) !< Allocate memory, setup scale and file to write implicit none type(filetype), intent(in) :: files !< Files' name and handler type(controltype), intent(in) :: control !< Control parameters type(schemetype), intent(in) :: scheme !< finite-volume Schemes type(flowtype), intent(in) :: flow !< Information about fluid flow: freestream-{u,v,rho,p}, etc. call allocate_memory(control) call setup_scale(scheme, flow) call setup_file(files, control) end subroutine setup_resnorm subroutine find_resnorm(file_handler, residue, F,G,H, control, scheme, dims) !< Find the normalized residual for each processor implicit none integer, intent(in) :: file_handler !< residual file handler type(controltype), intent(inout) :: control !< Control parameters type(schemetype) , intent(in) :: scheme !< finite-volume Schemes type(extent), intent(in) :: dims !< Extent of the domain:imx,jmx,kmx real(wp), dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: residue !< Store residue at each cell-center real(wp), dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: F !< Store fluxes throught the I faces real(wp), dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: G !< Store fluxes throught the J faces real(wp), dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: H !< Store fluxes throught the K faces call get_absolute_resnorm(residue, F,G,H, control, dims) call collect_resnorm_from_all_blocks(control) call assemble_resnom_at_each_process(control) call get_relative_resnorm(control) if((mod(control%current_iter,control%res_write_interval)==0 .or. & control%current_iter==Res_itr .or. & control%current_iter==1) .and. & process_id ==0) then call write_resnorm(file_handler, control, scheme) end if end subroutine find_resnorm subroutine setup_file(files, control) !< Open the residual file to write implicit none type(filetype), intent(in) :: files !< Files' name and handler type(controltype), intent(in) :: control !< Control parameters integer :: i if(process_id==0)then if(control%start_from==0)then open(files%RESNORM_FILE_UNIT,file=files%resnorm_file) else open(files%RESNORM_FILE_UNIT,file=files%resnorm_file, status='old', position='append', action='write') end if write(files%RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, '(A,2x)', advance='no') "Iteration" do i=1,control%Res_count write(files%RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, '(A,2x)', advance='no') trim(control%Res_list(i)) end do write(files%RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, *) end if end subroutine setup_file subroutine allocate_memory(control) !< Allocate memory to MPI Communication implicit none type(controltype), intent(in) :: control call alloc(Res_abs , 0,control%n_var) call alloc(Res_rel , 0,control%n_var) call alloc(Res_scale, 0,control%n_var) call alloc(Res_save , 0,control%n_var) call alloc(buffer , 1,(control%n_var+1)*control%total_process) end subroutine allocate_memory subroutine setup_scale(scheme, flow) !< Setup scale required for relative and absolute !< residual for writing in the file. implicit none type(schemetype), intent(in) :: scheme !< finite-volume Schemes type(flowtype), intent(in) :: flow !< Information about fluid flow: freestream-speed, ref-viscosity,etc. Res_scale(0) = 1. Res_scale(1) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag Res_scale(2) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag*flow%vel_mag Res_scale(3) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag*flow%vel_mag Res_scale(4) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag*flow%vel_mag Res_scale(5) = (0.5*flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag**3 + & ((flow%gm/(flow%gm-1.))*flow%pressure_inf)) select case(trim(scheme%turbulence)) case('none') !do nothing continue case('sst', 'sst2003') Res_scale(6) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag*flow%tk_inf Res_scale(7) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag*flow%tw_inf case('kkl') Res_scale(6) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag*flow%tk_inf Res_scale(7) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag*flow%tkl_inf case('des') Res_scale(6) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag*flow%tk_inf Res_scale(7) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag*flow%tw_inf case('sa', 'saBC') Res_scale(6) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag*flow%tv_inf case('kw') Res_scale(6) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag*flow%tk_inf Res_scale(7) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag*flow%tw_inf case('ke') Res_scale(6) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag*flow%tk_inf Res_scale(7) = flow%density_inf*flow%vel_mag*flow%te_inf case DEFAULT Fatal_error end select end subroutine setup_scale subroutine get_absolute_resnorm(residue, F,G,H, control, dims) !< Get absolute residual for current process implicit none type(controltype), intent(in) :: control !< Control parameters: number of variables type(extent), intent(in) :: dims !< extent of the 3D domain real(wp), dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: residue !< Store residue at each cell-center real(wp), dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: F !< Store fluxes throught the I faces real(wp), dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: G !< Store fluxes throught the J faces real(wp), dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: H !< Store fluxes throught the K faces integer :: i do i=1,control%n_var Res_abs(i) =(sum(Residue(:,:,:,i)**2)/Res_scale(i)**2) end do merror = ( & sum(F( 1,1:dims%jmx-1,1:dims%kmx-1,1)) & -sum(F(dims%imx,1:dims%jmx-1,1:dims%kmx-1,1)) & +sum(G(1:dims%imx-1, 1,1:dims%kmx-1,1)) & -sum(G(1:dims%imx-1,dims%jmx,1:dims%kmx-1,1)) & +sum(H(1:dims%imx-1,1:dims%jmx-1, 1,1)) & -sum(H(1:dims%imx-1,1:dims%jmx-1,dims%kmx,1)) & ) Res_abs(0) = (merror/Res_scale(0)) end subroutine get_absolute_resnorm subroutine collect_resnorm_from_all_blocks(control) !< MPI Communication to gather residual from all processes implicit none type(controltype), intent(in) :: control !< Control parameters: number of variables integer :: ierr call MPI_ALLGATHER(Res_abs, control%n_var+1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & buffer, control%n_var+1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) end subroutine collect_resnorm_from_all_blocks subroutine assemble_resnom_at_each_process(control) !< Sum residual obtained from all the processes after MPI_Communication implicit none type(controltype), intent(in) :: control !< Control parameters: number of variables and total mpi processes integer :: i,j Res_abs=0. do i=0,control%total_process-1 do j = 0,control%n_var Res_abs(j) = Res_abs(j)+buffer((j+1)+(control%n_var+1)*i) end do end do Res_abs(1:) = sqrt(Res_abs(1:)) Res_abs(0) = abs(Res_abs(0)) end subroutine assemble_resnom_at_each_process subroutine get_relative_resnorm(control) !< Get relative residual with respect to first iteration residual implicit none type(controltype), intent(inout) :: control !< Control parameters: iterations if(control%current_iter<=Res_itr) Res_save=Res_abs if(control%start_from/=0) then Res_save=control%previous_Res else control%previous_Res = Res_save end if Res_rel = Res_abs/Res_save end subroutine get_relative_resnorm subroutine write_resnorm(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, control, scheme) !< Writing the residual in the file to save. implicit none integer, intent(in) :: RESNORM_FILE_UNIT !<Resnorm file handler unit type(controltype), intent(in) :: control !< Control parameters type(schemetype) , intent(in) :: scheme !< turbulenca and transition schemes integer :: i integer :: n=6 character(len=20) :: frm n=control%write_percision write(frm, '(A,I0,A,I0,A)') "(e",n+8,".",n,"E2, 4x)" write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, '(I0,4x)', advance='no') control%current_iter+control%last_iter do i=1,control%Res_count select case(trim(control%Res_list(i))) !include "" case('Mass_abs') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_abs(0) case('Resnorm_abs') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') sqrt(sum(Res_abs(1:)**2)) case('Viscous_abs') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') sqrt(sum(Res_abs(1:5)**2)) case('Turbulent_abs') if(trim(scheme%turbulence)/='none')then write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') sqrt(sum(Res_abs(6:)**2)) end if case('Continuity_abs') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_abs(1) case('X_mom_abs') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_abs(2) case('Y_mom_abs') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_abs(3) case('Z_mom_abs') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_abs(4) case('Energy_abs') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_abs(5) case('Mass_rel') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_rel(0) case('Resnorm_rel') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') sqrt(sum(Res_rel(1:)**2)) case('Viscous_rel') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') sqrt(sum(Res_rel(1:5)**2)) case('Turbulent_rel') if(trim(scheme%turbulence)/='none')then write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') sqrt(sum(Res_rel(6:)**2)) end if case('Continuity_rel') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_rel(1) case('X-mom_rel') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_rel(2) case('Y-mom_rel') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_rel(3) case('Z-mom_rel') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_rel(4) case('Energy_rel') write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_rel(5) case('TKE_abs') if(trim(scheme%turbulence)=='sst' .or. trim(scheme%turbulence)=='kkl'.or. trim(scheme%turbulence)=='sst2003' )then write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_abs(6) end if case('Tv_abs') if(trim(scheme%turbulence)=='sa' .or. trim(scheme%turbulence)=='saBC')then write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_abs(6) end if case('Dissipation_abs') if(trim(scheme%turbulence)=='ke')then write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_abs(7) end if case('Omega_abs') if(trim(scheme%turbulence)=='sst'.or. trim(scheme%turbulence)=='sst2003')then write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_abs(7) end if case('Kl_abs') if(trim(scheme%turbulence)=='kkl')then write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_abs(7) end if case('TKE_rel') if(trim(scheme%turbulence)=='sst' .or. trim(scheme%turbulence)=='kkl'.or. trim(scheme%turbulence)=='sst2003')then write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_rel(6) end if case('Tv_rel') if(trim(scheme%turbulence)=='sa' .or. trim(scheme%turbulence)=='saBC')then write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_rel(6) end if case('Dissipation_rel') if(trim(scheme%turbulence)=='ke')then write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_rel(7) end if case('Omega_rel') if(trim(scheme%turbulence)=='sst'.or. trim(scheme%turbulence)=='sst2003')then write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_rel(7) end if case('Kl_rel') if(trim(scheme%turbulence)=='kkl')then write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') Res_rel(7) end if case DEFAULT ! making absolute resnorm default write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, frm, advance='no') sqrt(sum(Res_abs(1:)**2)) Issue_warning end select end do write(RESNORM_FILE_UNIT, *) end subroutine write_resnorm end module resnorm