This module read input control files which include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
!< This module read input control files which include: !< 1. !< 2. !< 3. !< 4. !< 5. module read !< This module read input control files which include: !< 1. !< 2. !< 3. !< 4. !< 5. !------------------------------------------------------ #include "../../debug.h" use vartypes implicit none private public :: read_input_and_controls contains subroutine read_input_and_controls(files, control, scheme, flow) !< Read all the input control files implicit none type(filetype), intent(in) :: files type(controltype), intent(inout) :: control type(schemetype), intent(inout) :: scheme type(flowtype), intent(inout) :: flow call read_controls(files, control) call read_scheme(files, scheme) call read_flow(files, control, flow) call read_output_control(files, control) call read_Res_list(files, control) end subroutine read_input_and_controls subroutine get_next_token(token_file_unit, buf) !< Extract the next token from the config file !< !< Each token is on a separate line. !< There may be multiple comments (lines beginning with #) !< and blank lines in between. !< The purpose of this subroutine is to ignore all these !< lines and return the next "useful" line. !----------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer , intent(in) :: token_file_unit character(len=STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH), intent(out) :: buf integer :: ios do read(token_file_unit, '(A)', iostat=ios) buf if (ios /= 0) then print *, 'Error while reading config file.' print *, 'Current buffer length is set to: ', & STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH stop end if if (index(buf, '#') == 1) then ! The current line begins with a hash ! Ignore it continue else if (len_trim(buf) == 0) then ! The current line is empty ! Ignore it continue else ! A new token has been found ! Break out exit end if end do end subroutine get_next_token subroutine read_controls(files, control) !< Read file !--------------------------------------------- implicit none type(filetype), intent(in) :: files type(controltype), intent(inout) :: control character(len=STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH) :: buf DebugCall('read_controls') open(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, file=files%control_file, status='old', action='read') !ignoring file header read(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT,*) read(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT,*) read(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT,*) ! READ CFL call get_next_token(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) control%CFL DebugInfo("CFL = "//trim(buf)) ! READ start_from call get_next_token(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) control%start_from DebugInfo('Start from level = '//trim(buf)) ! READ max_iters call get_next_token(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) control%max_iters DebugInfo('Stop at iteration = '//trim(buf)) ! READ checkpoint_iter call get_next_token(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) control%checkpoint_iter DebugInfo(' Solution write interval = '//trim(buf)) ! READ write_file_format call get_next_token(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) control%write_file_format DebugInfo('Solution file format = '//trim(buf)) ! READ write_data_format call get_next_token(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) control%write_data_format DebugInfo('solution file data format = '//trim(buf)) ! READ read_file_format call get_next_token(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) control%read_file_format DebugInfo('Restart file format = '//trim(buf)) ! READ_read data_format call get_next_token(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) control%read_data_format DebugInfo('Restart file data format = '//trim(buf)) ! READ write_percision call get_next_token(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) control%write_percision DebugInfo('File write percision = '//trim(buf)) ! READ purge_write call get_next_token(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) control%purge_write DebugInfo('Purge folder more then = '//trim(buf)) ! READ res_write_interval call get_next_token(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) control%res_write_interval DebugInfo('resnorm write interval = '//trim(buf)) ! READ tolerance call get_next_token(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) control%tolerance, control%tolerance_type DebugInfo(trim(control%tolerance_type)//' Tolerance = '//trim(buf)) ! READ DEBUG_LEVEL call get_next_token(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) control%DEBUG_LEVEL DebugInfo('DEBUG_LEVEL = '//trim(buf)) close(files%CONTROL_FILE_UNIT) end subroutine read_controls subroutine read_scheme(files, scheme) !< Read control file !-------------------------------------------- implicit none type(filetype), intent(in) :: files type(schemetype), intent(inout) :: scheme character(len=STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH) :: buf integer :: ios DebugCall('read_scheme') open(files%SCHEME_FILE_UNIT, file=files%scheme_file, status='old', action='read') ! ignoring file header read(files%SCHEME_FILE_UNIT,*) read(files%SCHEME_FILE_UNIT,*) read(files%SCHEME_FILE_UNIT,*) ! read scheme name call get_next_token(files%SCHEME_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) scheme%scheme_name DebugInfo('scheme_name = '//trim(buf)) ! read interpolant call get_next_token(files%SCHEME_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) scheme%interpolant scheme%interpolant = trim(scheme%interpolant) DebugInfo('interpolant = '//trim(buf)) ! read ilimiter and PB switch call get_next_token(files%SCHEME_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) scheme%ilimiter_switch, scheme%jlimiter_switch, scheme%klimiter_switch, & scheme%iPB_switch, scheme%jPB_switch, scheme%kPB_switch DebugInfo('ilimiter switch = '//trim(buf) ) DebugInfo('jlimiter switch = '//trim(buf) ) DebugInfo('klimiter switch = '//trim(buf) ) DebugInfo('PB switch = '//trim(buf) ) ! read turbulent limiter call get_next_token(files%SCHEME_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) scheme%itlimiter_switch,scheme%jtlimiter_switch,scheme%ktlimiter_switch DebugInfo('ilimiter switch = '//trim(buf) ) DebugInfo('jlimiter switch = '//trim(buf) ) DebugInfo('klimiter switch = '//trim(buf) ) ! read turbulence model call get_next_token(files%SCHEME_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) scheme%turbulence DebugInfo('Turbulence Model = '//trim(buf)) ! read transition model call get_next_token(files%SCHEME_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) scheme%transition DebugInfo('Transition Model = '//trim(buf)) ! read time stepping method call get_next_token(files%SCHEME_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *, iostat=ios) scheme%time_stepping_method, scheme%global_time_step if (ios /= 0) then read(buf, *) scheme%time_stepping_method scheme%global_time_step = -1 end if DebugInfo('time_stepping_method = '//trim(buf)) DebugInfo('global_time_step = '//trim(buf)) ! read time integration method call get_next_token(files%SCHEME_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) scheme%time_step_accuracy DebugInfo('time_step_accuracy = '//trim(buf)) ! read higher order boundary call get_next_token(files%SCHEME_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) scheme%accur DebugInfo('higher order boundary = '//trim(buf)) close(files%SCHEME_FILE_UNIT) end subroutine read_scheme subroutine read_flow(files, control, flow) !< Read control file !-------------------------------------------- implicit none type(filetype), intent(in) :: files type(controltype), intent(inout) :: control type(flowtype), intent(inout) :: flow character(len=STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH) :: buf DebugCall('read_flow') open(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, file=files%flow_file, status='old', action='read') ! ignoring file header read(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT,*) read(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT,*) read(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT,*) ! read number of variable call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) control%n_var DebugInfo('Number of variables = '//trim(buf)) ! read rho_inf call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%density_inf DebugInfo('free_stream_density = '//trim(buf)) ! read u_inf call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%x_speed_inf DebugInfo('free_stream_x_speed = '//trim(buf)) ! read v_inf call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%y_speed_inf DebugInfo('free_stream_y_speed = '//trim(buf)) ! read w_inf call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%z_speed_inf DebugInfo('free_stream_z_speed = '//trim(buf)) ! read P_inf call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%pressure_inf DebugInfo('free_stream_pressure = '//trim(buf)) ! read turbulence intensity in percentage call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%tu_inf DebugInfo('free_stream_Turb_intensity = '//trim(buf)) ! read viscosity ratio call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%mu_ratio_inf DebugInfo('free_stream_mu_ratio = '//trim(buf)) ! read intermittency call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%tgm_inf DebugInfo('free_stream_Intermittency = '//trim(buf)) ! read reference viscosity call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%mu_ref DebugInfo('mu_reference = '//trim(buf)) ! Type of variation for viscosity call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%mu_variation DebugInfo('mu_variation = '//trim(buf)) ! read T_red call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%T_ref DebugInfo('T_reference = '//trim(buf)) ! read Sutherland temp call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%Sutherland_temp DebugInfo('Sutherland temperature = '//trim(buf)) ! read prandtl number call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%Pr, flow%tPr DebugInfo('Prandtl Number = '//trim(buf)) ! read gamma call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%gm DebugInfo('gamma = '//trim(buf)) ! read universal gas constant call get_next_token(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT, buf) read(buf, *) flow%R_gas DebugInfo('R_gas = '//trim(buf)) close(files%FLOW_FILE_UNIT) end subroutine read_flow subroutine read_output_control(files, control) !< Read file implicit none type(filetype), intent(in) :: files type(controltype), intent(inout) :: control integer :: i character(len=64) :: buf integer :: ios logical :: ok call get_rw_count(files, control) inquire(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT, opened=ok) if(ok) close(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT) !call close_file(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT) open(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT, file=files%outin_file, status='old', action='read') ! variables to write do while(.true.) read(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT, *, iostat=ios) buf if(trim(buf)=='{') EXIT if(is_iostat_end(ios)) EXIT end do do i = 1,control%w_count read(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT, *) buf read(buf,*) control%w_list(i) end do ! restart variables to read do while(.true.) read(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT, *, iostat=ios) buf if(trim(buf)=='{') EXIT if(is_iostat_end(ios)) EXIT end do do i = 1,control%r_count read(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT, *) buf read(buf,*) control%r_list(i) end do if(control%r_count==0) control%r_list=control%w_list close(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT) end subroutine read_output_control subroutine get_rw_count(files, control) !< Get read/write count implicit none type(filetype), intent(in) :: files type(controltype), intent(inout) :: control integer :: ios character(len=64) :: buf logical :: ok control%r_count=0 control%w_count=0 inquire(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT, opened=ok) if(ok) close(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT) !call close_file(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT) open(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT, file=files%outin_file, status='old', action='read') ! write list dimension do while(.true.) read(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT, *, iostat=ios) buf if(trim(buf)=='{') EXIT if(is_iostat_end(ios)) EXIT end do control%w_count = 0 do while (.true.) read(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT, *, iostat=ios) buf if (trim(buf)=='}') EXIT if(is_iostat_end(ios)) EXIT control%w_count = control%w_count + 1 end do if(control%w_count>0) then allocate(control%w_list(1:control%w_count)) else control%w_count=3 allocate(control%w_list(1:control%w_count)) control%w_list(1) = "Velocity" control%w_list(2) = "Density" control%w_list(3) = "Pressure" end if ! read list dimesnion do while(.true.) read(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT, *, iostat=ios) buf if(trim(buf)=='{') EXIT if(is_iostat_end(ios)) EXIT end do control%r_count = 0 do while (.true.) read(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT, *, iostat=ios) buf if (trim(buf)=='}') EXIT if(is_iostat_end(ios)) EXIT control%r_count = control%r_count + 1 end do if(control%r_count==0) then allocate(control%r_list(1:control%w_count)) else allocate(control%r_list(1:control%r_count)) end if close(files%OUTIN_FILE_UNIT) end subroutine get_rw_count subroutine get_count_within_braces(handler, count) !< Get number of variables between two curly braces implicit none integer, intent(in) :: handler !< File handler from which list number is extracted integer, intent(out) :: count !< Extracted count integer :: skip ! skipping lines outside braces skip = get_number_of_line('{', handler) ! finding actual count if any count = get_number_of_line('}', handler) end subroutine get_count_within_braces function get_number_of_line(till, infile) result(number) !< Get number of lines till some character like "#" implicit none integer ,intent(in) :: infile character(len= 1),intent(in) :: till character(len=64) :: buf integer :: ios integer :: number number=0 do while(.true.) read(infile, *, iostat=ios) buf if(trim(buf)==till) EXIT if(is_iostat_end(ios)) EXIT number = number + 1 end do end function get_number_of_line subroutine read_Res_list(files, control) !< Read Residual file: implicit none type(filetype), intent(in) :: files type(controltype), intent(inout) :: control integer :: i integer :: skip logical :: ok open(files%RES_CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, file=files%res_control_file, status='old', action='read') call get_count_within_braces(files%RES_CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, control%Res_count) !call close_file(files%RES_CONTROL_FILE_UNIT) inquire(files%RES_CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, opened=ok) if(ok) close(files%RES_CONTROL_FILE_UNIT) open(files%RES_CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, file=files%res_control_file, status='old', action='read') ! skipping line skip = get_number_of_line('{',files%RES_CONTROL_FILE_UNIT) !reading vaules if(control%Res_count==0)then allocate(control%Res_list(1:2)) control%Res_count=2 control%Res_list(1)="Mass_abs" control%Res_list(2)="Resnorm_abs" else allocate(control%Res_list(1:control%Res_count)) end if do i = 1,control%Res_count read(files%RES_CONTROL_FILE_UNIT, *) control%Res_list(i) end do close(files%RES_CONTROL_FILE_UNIT) end subroutine read_Res_list end module read