Setup the indicies map at interface between two blocks
!< Setup the indicies map at interface between two blocks module mapping !< Setup the indicies map at interface between two blocks use vartypes implicit none private integer, dimension(6), private :: ilo !< Read Lowest index of I direction integer, dimension(6), private :: jlo !< Read Lowest index of J direction integer, dimension(6), private :: klo !< Read Lowest index of K direction integer, dimension(6), private :: ihi !< Read Highest index of I direction integer, dimension(6), private :: jhi !< Read Highest index of J direction integer, dimension(6), private :: khi !< Read Highest index of K direction integer, dimension(6), public :: Pilo !< Modified lowest index of I direction integer, dimension(6), public :: Pjlo !< Modified lowest index of J direction integer, dimension(6), public :: Pklo !< Modified lowest index of K direction integer, dimension(6), public :: Pihi !< Modified Highest index of I direction integer, dimension(6), public :: Pjhi !< Modified Highest index of J direction integer, dimension(6), public :: Pkhi !< Modified Highest index of K direction integer, dimension(6), public :: PiDir !< Switch for communication direction from !< (low-high) to (hight-low) for I direction integer, dimension(6), public :: PjDir !< Switch for communication direction from !< (low-high) to (hight-low) for J direction integer, dimension(6), public :: PkDir !< Switch for communication direction from !< (low-high) to (hight-low) for K direction integer, dimension(6), public :: Gilo !< Modified lowest index of I direction for Grid data exchange integer, dimension(6), public :: Gjlo !< Modified lowest index of J direction for Grid data exchange integer, dimension(6), public :: Gklo !< Modified lowest index of K direction for Grid data exchange integer, dimension(6), public :: Gihi !< Modified highest index of I direction for Grid data exchange integer, dimension(6), public :: Gjhi !< Modified highest index of J direction for Grid data exchange integer, dimension(6), public :: Gkhi !< Modified highest index of K direction for Grid data exchange integer, dimension(6), public :: mpi_class=-1 !< Class flag for master or slave public :: read_interface_map contains subroutine read_interface_map(files, control, bc, dims) !< Read mapping file in the system/mesh/layout/mapping.txt implicit none type(filetype), intent(in) :: files !< Files' name and handler type(controltype), intent(in) :: control !< Control parameters type(extent), intent(in) :: dims !< Extent of the domain:imx,jmx,kmx type(boundarytype), intent(inout) :: bc !< boundary conditions and fixed values integer :: ios integer :: max_call integer :: i integer :: b1,b2,f1,f2 integer :: s11,s12,s21,s22 integer :: e11,e12,e21,e22 integer :: switch integer :: class !--- initialize indicies --! max_call = control%total_process*6 ilo(1) = 1 ; ihi(1) = 1 ilo(2) = dims%imx; ihi(2) = dims%imx ilo(3) = 1 ; ihi(3) = dims%imx ilo(4) = 1 ; ihi(4) = dims%imx ilo(5) = 1 ; ihi(5) = dims%imx ilo(6) = 1 ; ihi(6) = dims%imx jlo(1) = 1 ; jhi(1) = dims%jmx jlo(2) = 1 ; jhi(2) = dims%jmx jlo(3) = 1 ; jhi(3) = 1 jlo(4) = dims%jmx; jhi(4) = dims%jmx jlo(5) = 1 ; jhi(5) = dims%jmx jlo(6) = 1 ; jhi(6) = dims%jmx klo(1) = 1 ; khi(1) = dims%kmx klo(2) = 1 ; khi(2) = dims%kmx klo(3) = 1 ; khi(3) = dims%kmx klo(4) = 1 ; khi(4) = dims%kmx klo(5) = 1 ; khi(5) = 1 klo(6) = dims%kmx; khi(6) = dims%kmx bc%otherface(1)=2 bc%otherface(2)=1 bc%otherface(3)=4 bc%otherface(4)=3 bc%otherface(5)=6 bc%otherface(6)=5 bc%dir_switch = 0 !--- end of variable intializaiton --! !--- reading map file ---! open(files%MAP_FILE_UNIT, file=files%mapfile, status='old', action='read') read(files%MAP_FILE_UNIT,*) ! ignore header do i=1,max_call read(files%MAP_FILE_UNIT,*, iostat=ios) b1,f1,s11,e11,s12,e12,& b2,f2,s21,e21,s22,e22,switch,class if(is_iostat_end(ios)) EXIT if(b1==control%process_id)then if(f1==1) then bc%otherface(1)=f2 jlo(1)=s21 jhi(1)=e21 klo(1)=s22 khi(1)=e22 bc%dir_switch(1)=switch mpi_class(1)=class elseif(f1==2) then bc%otherface(2)=f2 jlo(2)=s21 jhi(2)=e21 klo(2)=s22 khi(2)=e22 bc%dir_switch(2)=switch mpi_class(2)=class elseif(f1==3) then bc%otherface(3)=f2 ilo(3)=s21 ihi(3)=e21 klo(3)=s22 khi(3)=e22 bc%dir_switch(3)=switch mpi_class(3)=class elseif(f1==4) then bc%otherface(4)=f2 ilo(4)=s21 ihi(4)=e21 klo(4)=s22 khi(4)=e22 bc%dir_switch(4)=switch mpi_class(4)=class elseif(f1==5) then bc%otherface(5)=f2 ilo(5)=s21 ihi(5)=e21 jlo(5)=s22 jhi(5)=e22 bc%dir_switch(5)=switch mpi_class(5)=class elseif(f1==6) then bc%otherface(6)=f2 ilo(6)=s21 ihi(6)=e21 jlo(6)=s22 jhi(6)=e22 bc%dir_switch(6)=switch mpi_class(6)=class end if else continue end if end do close(files%MAP_FILE_UNIT) call change_map_to_particular_range() call read_periodic_bc_file(files, control, bc) end subroutine read_interface_map subroutine change_map_to_particular_range() !< Modified the indicies for MPI communication !------------------------------------- !eg: 1-kmx to 0 to kmx for data transfer !-------------------------------------- implicit none integer :: i Pilo=ilo Pjlo=jlo Pklo=klo Pihi=ihi Pjhi=jhi Pkhi=khi PiDir=1 PjDir=1 PkDir=1 do i=1,6 if(ilo(i)==1 .and. i>2)then Pilo(i)=1 Gilo(i)=-2 end if if(jlo(i)==1 .and. (i>4 .or.i<3) )then Pjlo(i)=1 Gjlo(i)=-2 end if if(klo(i)==1 .and. i<5)then Pklo(i)=1 Gklo(i)=-2 end if if(ihi(i)==1 .and. i>2)then Pihi(i)=1 Gihi(i)=-2 PiDir(i)=-1 end if if(jhi(i)==1 .and. (i>4 .or. i<3))then Pjhi(i)=1 Gjhi(i)=-2 PjDir(i)=-1 end if if(khi(i)==1 .and. i<5)then Pkhi(i)=1 Gkhi(i)=-2 PkDir(i)=-1 end if if(ilo(i)>1 .and. i>2) then Gilo(i)=ilo(i)+3 Pilo(i)=ilo(i)-1 PiDir(i)=-1 end if if(jlo(i)>1 .and. (i>4 .or. i<5)) then Gjlo(i)=jlo(i)+3 Pjlo(i)=jlo(i)-1 PjDir(i)=-1 end if if(klo(i)>1 .and. i<5) then Gklo(i)=klo(i)+3 Pklo(i)=klo(i)-1 PkDir(i)=-1 end if if(ihi(i)>1 .and. i>2) then Gihi(i)=ihi(i)+3 Pihi(i)=ihi(i)-1 end if if(jhi(i)>1 .and. (i>4 .or. i<5)) then Gjhi(i)=jhi(i)+3 Pjhi(i)=jhi(i)-1 end if if(khi(i)>1 .and. i<5) then Gkhi(i)=khi(i)+3 Pkhi(i)=khi(i)-1 end if end do end subroutine change_map_to_particular_range subroutine read_periodic_bc_file(files, control, bc) !< Read file in the system/mesh/layout/ implicit none type(filetype), intent(in) :: files !< Files' name and handler type(controltype), intent(in) :: control !< Control parameters type(boundarytype), intent(inout) :: bc !< boundary conditions and fixed values integer :: ios integer :: max_call integer :: i integer :: b1, b2 integer :: f1, f2 integer :: class open(files%PERIODIC_FILE_UNIT, file=files%periodicfile, status='old', action='read') read(files%PERIODIC_FILE_UNIT,*) !ignore first line (header) max_call = control%total_process*6 do i=1,max_call read(files%PERIODIC_FILE_UNIT,*, iostat=ios) b1,b2,f1,f2, class if(is_iostat_end(ios)) EXIT if(b1==control%process_id)then bc%PbcId(f1) = b2 end if end do close(files%PERIODIC_FILE_UNIT) end subroutine read_periodic_bc_file end module mapping